3rd Baby & Videos

Once I experienced the beauty of picking veggies from my own garden, there was no turning back.

We installed another veggie bed this year in our garden. It’s our third baby.

IMG_4176_m There’s no need to till the earth, just cover it with paper or cardboard.

Thanks to Skye for building us a veggie bed using recycled wood.

Thanks to Mahesh and Paul for transporting the veggie bed. 4/18

IMG_4281_m 4/25 This veggie bed is located at a cooler spot. So, I planted some lettuce and peas.

On the day this veggie bed was born, Karan’s grandpa passed away. So, I thought it was poetic to dedicate this veggie bed to him.

5/12 Came back from Hawaii trip and what a surprise to find some green babies emerged from the earth already.
5/12 Cover the soil with grass clipping (it’s free!) to prevent weed from growing. I certainly don’t want to spend my whole summer weeding!


6/16 Ready to be harvested!


Total travel distance to dinner table= less than 25 feet

Total time from harvest to plate= less than 10 minutes

With no chemical fertilizers and no wasted fuel for transporting the veggies!!

Can food get fresher than that? I truly felt that the veggies were still breathing when I ate them.

Here are some short videos of my veggie garden. I don’t know how to edit videos yet. So, I took several one minute short footage. If anyone knows any easy to use and free video editing software, please let me know. Thanks!

These videos are in Mandarin. I recorded some with little bit of Taiwanese accent (I don’t know why I tend to carry Taiwanese accent when I recorded these videos). I actually don’t have much chance to speak Mandarin here, so I might sound a little funny. hahaha. 🙁 I did record a couple videos with Malaysian accent! It was fun, fun, fun! Enjoy.

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