Enneagram Saved The Day

Nothing makes sense today.

I was feeling pretty content being with myself, doing my things, having “me” time. Suddenly a sense of sadness swept me away. A thought came to me: if I am so happy now, why do I “need” a relationship, a husband, a marriage, kids, etc?

When all those aspects have been fulfilled, then I would have nothing to long for.

I am confused. As if there’s a sense of deficiency and inner sense of lack that I want to protect.

I’ve been stressing out about lots of things lately. I question the need of marriage; I question my ability to measure up against an idealized picture of how and what I ought to be. I am losing my sleep and appetite. I used to have an appetite of a pig, and now I can’t even finish a sandwich. Isn’t that shocking?

Being an Ennea-Type Four is quite tragic. Fours are dramatic, emotive, romantic and seem to suffer more than other types. I often feel a sense of not really being connected to anyone or anything, especially a sense of being disconnected from myself. There’s an inner hopelessness about ever being truly content. There’s this brutal self-rejection and self-hatred arising from the unshakeable conviction that I am a failure as a person. Sometimes I reach the point of feeling that there’s something inherently evil or poisonous about me.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not an unhappy person. I think I am happier than a lot of people I know. But I am so afraid of this disconnection feeling monster that shows up every now and then. Whenever he shows up, I feel like I am drowning in a deep, dark space of unknown and emptiness. The sad reality is that I may feel miserable and profess to long for happiness; it is really the suffering that I cling to – since through this I maintain connection with my Type Four melancholy identity. It doesn’t make sense, isn’t it? It sucks! I can tell you this much. But I give myself a pat on my back for recognizing this. To win a battle, I gotta know who/what I am fighting with.

To me, it’s extremely important to know who I am and identify my true nature for personal growth. As I grow internally, I would know how to handle challenges and make better choices and in life. In times of personal crisis and conflict like today, I could guide myself to stay grounded.

As I am reading through my Enneagram diagnosis, it’s interesting to me that it says my inner sense of disconnection leads to a craving for what makes one feel connected – for what is original, authentic, creative and direct. For this reason, I am drawn to the arts and other aesthetic pursuits as either creator or appreciator. That’s probably why I love Vincent van Gogh so much because suffering and the artist have been perennially linked. 😛

Originality, authenticity and spontaneity are important to me.

So, what do I do now? How can I fix myself?

The advice from the book The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram: Nine Faces of the Soul by Sandra Maitri is that I need to learn how to approach my experience without reacting to it, without clinging to it, and without needing it to be right, dramatic and out of the ordinary.  I need to be more “in the moment” and fully landing within myself and my experience and not resisting it. Only then is it possible to respond to life with equilibrium.

I need to give up the hope of matching some ideal and accepting myself as I am. My behavior needs to be replaced with an attitude of surrender and openness to what is occurring; internally or externally, rather than fighting it. Then, striving for the exceptional, the exciting, and the extreme gradually becomes replaced with an appreciation of calm and simplicity (I’ve been working on it, really!). As I open to the deep, dark space, it might begin to change into a presence that feels spacious, free, and peaceful. If I allow it further, I would begin to find and recognize myself, to experience my original face before I was born. I would experience balance within, center within, and no longer need to long for the Source that I’ve felt separated from because I am and I know at last to be that Source. This experience will arise again and again with different nuances until my true, real self becomes my Point of existence.

“It takes a long time to be young.” – Pablo Picasso

Enneagram is truly an amazing study. It did help me in my case today. Although getting to know myself is a life-long process, I am less freaked out now that I am accepting part of me being who I am.

I am who I am. (It’s easier said than done, but I am on the right track. ^_^)

There’s another interesting study called Human Design System that might help me understand myself even more. Also, make my subconscious mind more conscious; to be more acutely aware of my intuitions and have the courage to act on them. I look forward to exploring Human Design with my guru next week. 🙂

Also, sharing with you this quote:
“I look at the Augusteum,and I think that perhaps my life has not actually been so chaotic, after all. It is merely this world that is chaotic, bringing changes to us all that nobody could have anticipated. The Augusteum warns me to not to get attached to any obsolete ideas about who I am, what I represent, whom I belong to, or what function I may once have intended to serve. Yesterday I might have been a glorious monument to somebody, true enough–but tomorrow I could be a fireworks depository. Even in the Eternal City, says the silent Augusteum, one must always be prepared for riotous and endless waves of transformation.”
— Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love)

Side-note: For all the Chinese out there, I think I am suffering from “犯贱病态“。 怎么医才好呢?haha!!!!! It’s funny that how I can find words in Mandarin to summarize my “illness” in just four words. Brilliant.

2nd Side-note: Depression. Self-analyze. Blog. Release. Growth. Never-ending cycle. 🙂 I am weird. I am difficult. I am contradictory. And…. I like that about myself!

A Wiser Laura

Happy Birthday to Laura! We love you!

Happy Birthday, Laura

Happy Birthday, Laura

Home-baked organic pineapple upside down cake for our special birthday girl, Laura! 🙂

Singing Happy Birthday (except Christine) to Laura Girl

Singing Happy Birthday (except Christine, of coz) to Laura Girl

The Happy Bunch

The Happy Bunch. From left: Me, Gabriel, Debra, Laura, Christine, Nina

May all your wishes come true, Laura. XOXOXO

OMG! I Won!

September 3rd, 2010

I have been checking my Blackberry every hour for a winning notification email from Delivering Happiness Book team. No news.

Seriously, there are tons of amazing entries for “Win a Spot on The Bus” contest (see http://deliveringhappiness.ning.com/), do I stand a chance? You know, I would be genuinely happy for whoever won this contest. Of course, I would be happier if I won. 🙂

I came home from work at around 4pm, and I thought I would check my Blackberry one last time. I wasn’t really expecting anything, but I saw this:

Winner notification from Alana

Winner notification from Alana

OMG. I do know who Alana is. She is one of DHBus’s team members. My heart went “BA BUMP“! Should I pinch myself or my dog to make sure I’m not hallucinating?

If I was sitting on a chair, I would have fallen down to the floor, for sure!

I shouted out, “OMG! OMG!

I’m definitely not OMG kind of girl. But there wasn’t any word that I could think of except OMG!

Then, I shouted OMG 100 times more while running around the dining table with cell phone still in my hand.

If that wasn’t enough, I went out to my backyard and shouted another 1000 times.

My dogs thought I was a mad woman, but I didn’t care. Haha. I was happy to share one of my happiest moments with them.

Now, what exactly did I win? See below.
Prize: One (1) prize will be awarded, consisting of the following: A three (3) day, two (2) night trip for two (2) (winner and one (1) guest) to join the Delivering Happiness, LLC Bus team members on tour in one of the following cities of winner’s choice: Los Angeles, CA; Orlando, FL; or New York, NY. Prize includes round-trip, coach class air transportation for winner and guest from the major airport nearest winner’s home (as determined by Sponsor) to the city chosen by winner, and three (3) days, two (2) nights accommodations (one room, double occupancy) at a hotel of Sponsor’s choice. The dates of travel will differ based on the chosen destination.

The biggest prize is not the free air tickets and free accommodation. Anyone can buy a ticket to L.A., but not everyone has the opportunity to tour L.A. on the Happy Bus with all the wonderful DHBus team members! We’ll meet entrepreneurs, visit great organizations, and help delivering some happiness along the way!

To read more about Delivering Happiness book, written by Tony Hsieh (CEO, Zappos), go to http://www.deliveringhappinessbook.com/.

“In DELIVERING HAPPINESS, Tony reveals the secret to his success at such a young age: leadership in culture and happiness.”
—Lance Armstrong

Delivering Happiness Book team is going on a 20+ city bus tour (they are in Chicago today, should be heading out to New York soon). Here are their city stops: http://www.deliveringhappinessbus.com/stops, and I just won a spot on the bus!!

Note: This post was written on 9/3. DHBus is now in Providence, RI.

Happy Bus

Happy Bus

If you see this baby blue bus winking at ya somewhere, be sure to blow it some whistles and fly it some kisses.

Later that day, I went to take some photos to send to DHBook team. Of course, living in the “SillyCorn Valley” of the Midwest (Fairfield, Iowa), I couldn’t help myself but took the photos in a corn field just two minutes away from my house. Haha. I love the big blue sky and the no man’s land feel. 🙂 I was so excited that I forgot to take the book with me the first time, so I had to go back and get it!

My precious Happy Book

My precious Happy Book

A dose of happiness for you

A dose of happiness for you

Me & Da Happy Book

Me & Da Happy Book



What's the secret to happiness? You gotta read this book!

What's the secret to happiness? You gotta read this book!

One with nature. Being with nature makes me happy.

One with nature. Being with nature makes me happy.

Me doing WOW

Me doing WOW

Big sky & corn fields

Big sky & corn fields

Now what? I need to pick a city to join the bus tour. I’ve never been to L.A., so L.A. it is! Also I need to come up with my Happy Bus bucket list. That’ll be my homework for the next two months. 🙂

I would like to thank the whole DHBook team for this amazing opportunity. I feel so honored to be selected. See you guys soon, on the bus!!!

See me on Delivering Happiness Bus website @ http://www.deliveringhappinessbus.com/contest.

Happy Bus & Me

I am so happy, happy, happy, happy, happy!

If you have any questions that you want me to ask the Happy Bus team during my trip, let me know by posting a comment here or twitter me @ououborneo.

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