After 41 hours of traveling, I finally reached Kuching. This has been by far the worst international traveling ever for me. Four out of five flights were delayed.
But, now that I am home, it was all worth it. Home, sweet home. 🙂 It’s like I’ve never left.
I took a couple sleeping pills last night, and got up at 6am this morning. I’ll get to know if I’ve gotten over jet lag later today.
Where’s Kuching, you may ask?
Kuching is a ciy, located in Sarawak (state), East Malaysia. The neighboring coutries are Thailand, Singapore, Bruinei, Indonesia and Philipines.

In Malay, Kuching sounds like the word “kucing”, which means cat. So, Kuching is also known as the Cat City. You’ll find quite a few of cat statutes throughout Kuching city. 🙂
Today, I am just going to chill with my parents in the morning. Then, I can’t wait to go for my haircut in the afternoon! ~my twice a year haircut. LOL. Asian hairdressers know how to take care of asian hair better, at a cheaper $ due to currency exchange. Hair mask, coloring, cut and style… would come to same price as one hair cut in Iowa City. Bye bye splitends. Muahahaha I am so excited.