Since I can only bring one guest with me on my Delivering Happiness bus tour, I gotta choose wisely. Two of my friends can’t make it to the trip. Instead of just asking any friend (nothing personal!), I really want to share this special trip with someone who is as passionate about Delivering Happiness as I am. Guess where I have to look for this person?
I read all the entries of Win A Seat on Delivering Happiness Bus and they were all great. I wish I could take all of the DH fans with me, on the bus, and spread the happiness together. Wouldn’t that be super awesome?
Now, what’s the criteria for my bus mate? I was looking for someone who shares the same/similar core values as me and it has to be a “she” since we’ll be sharing a room.
I am quirky and fun, little weird, easy going, down to earth and yet fashionable, passionate about building business, etc.
Christy Annis’s entry stood out among the rest. I followed her on Twitter/Facebook for couple days. 🙂 I love her entrepreneurial spirit and she seems so polite, graceful and creative (+ all other awesome qualities).
So, I sent her an invitation to join me on the Bus.
As far as I know, she has been doing backflips non-stop since she received the news.
I think we’ll rock the Bus and have so much fun together.
Christy, I can’t wait to meet you and have our adventure!! 🙂 Girl power!
Thank you so much for your incredibly kind words and for the invitation to join you on the bus. It’s been a few days now and yes, I am still doing back-flips! I am SO excited and yes, we are gonna rock that bus! Can’t thank you enough for this opportunity. Woo-hoo! Watch out SoCal.
I’ve known Christy personally since her pre-Peas days and am thrilled that you’ve chosen her as your bus mate. She has passion, a great heart, and a personality that lights up a room.
I’m looking forward to hearing about the adventures.
I think I’ve received much more by giving. Christy and Brett, I want to let you guys know that your comments have made me incredibly happy. 🙂
I’m from Sri Lanka and have been working with Christy for sometime… For sure it will be really interesting session to know about her passion on Creative, Eco Friendly Stuff and how she started with Peas.. With the experience of last few months with Christy, I would say she’s a remarkable charactor… Good luck for both of you!
Wow. Yet another amazing move by our beloved Ting. Not as if she couldn’t find anyone else in Fairfield (Google “most entrepreneurial small city”). Looking forward to following the posts, and whatever develops post … posts.
Thank you so much Cheryl! And many thanks to Brett and Heshan for your kind words. Cheryl – you are truly Delivering Happiness! And yes, if the last year has taught me anything, I have learned that the more you give, the more you receive. Thank you so much for choosing me as your bus mate. I am so excited to share this adventure with you.
love mate!