It was hot in B.A.. 85F. Borneo kind of hot, not as humid though. 🙂 I’m used to it. No problem.
I showed the taxi driver the address and he seemed confused. He made a few calls, and I could only pick up one word, which was “Matienzo”. It was the street name of my hostel. So, I thought he must be lost. I wrote down host’s phone number on a piece a paper and showed to him. The driver refused to take a look, just said, “No. No.”. A few minutes later, I wrote down the hostel name and showed to him. Again, he said, “No. No.”.
I guess he was trying to tell me, “I got it.”
I am the kind who likes to chat with taxi drivers and get a sense of what the local life is like. But in B.A., in that taxi cab, I felt paralyzed. I couldn’t communicate with the driver. I didn’t think he understand any English. Any!
Oh well, I sat back and enjoyed the view.

From airport. On the highway.

Macho taxi driver paid for toll

Oh, hi there! 🙂


Saw a giant flower

A horseman (I'll find out who he is in the next few days)
The taxi driver didn’t put the AC on. I could have requested it but I didn’t. I let the window down and enjoyed the view.
About 45 minutes later, I reached the hostel. I gave the driver a big round of applause. Finally, I saw a smile on his face.

Conventillo de Lujo, in a very quiet neighborhood

Conventillo de Lujo, entrance
A middle-aged lady rushed out the door, and hugged me tightly.
“I’ve been waiting for you. I’m Amy, your host. Welcome.”.