After work today, the three amigos (Karan, Radim & Kim) wanted to go surfing.
I don’t know how they could go surfing after a full day of work (6am – 3pm). But I guess that was their way of unwind after a long day.
We just walked to Waikiki beach from our apartment since there was no need to drive.
Me carrying my boogie board
What is boogie boarding (bodyboarding)?
– Boogie boarding is where you ride a wave on a much shorter surfboard that is made of foam. It’s a real blast! 🙂
Radim and Kim paddled into the waves and started riding while Karan get a surf lesson (see previous post).
I just chilled on the beach. I tried to take some surf photos of the three amigos, but my little Canon point and shoot camera could only do so much … See photos below.
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