A new year, a new decade, a new chance to start fresh. I often face the new year with negative emotions such as fear of the uncertainty and frustration from the feeling of I didn’t do enought last year. I also fear that I would bring with me the same old baggage, habits and emotions.
In order to encourage myself, I sat down and reviewed my accomplishments in 2009. To my surprise, I did learn something new and try something fun. I have gotten to know myself a little better and have gained more confidence. Here, I am listing down some of the special experiences to share with you ( a lot of first times!).
* Lost a handbag and retrieved it successfully two weeks later (cracked a crime case in Fairfield along the way). Scorpios can be very good investigators.
* 20 day juice detox (with daily enema) and my first colonics
* Learned Bollywood dance and performed at the Sondheim Theater
* Underwent LASIK surgery for my eyes (09/09/2009) and am loving my new vision
* Made my 1st movie, and 2nd movie and more to come!
* Started a blog (thanks for reading)
* Blown away by the beauty of Hawaii (had my first boogie board fun!)
* Remodelled a home (with Karan) and moved into it (3rd move in Fairfield!!)
* Bid for a house in an auction and won
* Bilingual MC at my brother’s wedding
* Owned a holiday shop (Little Laddoo) on the Square and realized how much I appreciate my freedom and how lovely it is to work from home (with Kai sleeping next to my feet!)
* Summer road trip to Northen California and Oregon (lavender fields were breathtaking!)
* Gained some friends and lost touch with some
* Planted & harvested my first lettuce
* Gained a new family member: sister-in-law
* Attended my brother’s wedding & family gathering in Singapore
* Mid-autumn festival celebration with my family after 8 long years
* Learned that baking is not as scary as I thought
* Japanese School Girl on Halloween
* First 3D movie
* Continue to work on dropping some baggage: the need to please, perfectionism, fear of failure, low self-esteem, self-consciousness, need for control
* Discovered that I am a cross between a nerd, a child, an artist, an entrepreneur, a dreamer, a social misfit; AND that’s OKAY!
Family matters a lot to me. I like to spend time with my family more than anyone else. There’s really no point making irrelevant random conversations with people whom I don’t care about. I get enough love from family. I just want to hang out with people who share the same values and beliefs.
Phew! Not so bad for a 2009 list!
I have strong feeling: “I just can’t continue down this same road any longer.” in terms of relationship, relocation plans, career, etc. In 2010, I will continue to explore the possibility of change and to confront the aspects of myself that I may not like.
The choice is mine to either have the courage to change for the better, or not change and stick to the comfort and security in order to avoid disappointment.
I have a lot to think about. 🙂
Happy new year to you all and I hope that your 2010 is filled with peace, love and happiness.