Princess Dili has arrived in New Delhi

I’ve arrived in New Delhi, India! Yeppi!

New Delhi has new airport and I was pleasantly surprised. It’s very clean and modern.

New Delhi Airport: Immgration

New Delhi Airport: Immgration

A few people told me that I’d get a shock when I get out of the airport: the noise, the traffic, the honking and the smell. I don’t agree on the smell part (there wasn’t any unpleasant smell), but yes, lots of traffic and honking. I won’t advise any foreigners to drive here. People here honk to notify others on their existence in order to avoid any accidents.

Here was my itinerary from USA to India:
Home to Eastern Iowa Airport (CID) : 1 ½ hr
CID to Chicago: 40 minutes
Layover + Delay at Chicago: 4 hrs
Chicago to New Delhi: 14 hrs
Immigration, luggage pickup: 1 hr
Ride home in India: ½ hr
Total travel time: 21.67 hrs

India, here I come

Today’s the big day – I am traveling to India! After the visa saga, I’ve been a little nervous about my trip. I couldn’t help but worry about potential missing details. Can you tell that I am traumatized? I must have checked my passport five times today.

Needless to say, I had a hectic morning – took care of the house, dog (trimmed his nails, bathed him and cleaned his ears, prepared his food for the next two weeks), bank, etc.

I managed to arrive at the airport on time. 🙂

I am traveling via American Airline. Since I am bringing a luggage for a friend in India, I was warned in advance by her that I’ll be charged $50 for that second checked-in luggage. Also, overweight charge is $60 (doesn’t matter 1 lb or 15 lb overweight).

It was a little challenging to travel alone with two big bags plus a carry-on and a handbag. There’s no curb-side check-in and there’s no shuttle from long-term parking to terminals at Eastern Iowa Airport. Go figure …

I bought a crystal whiskey decanter set for Karan’s brother. When the crystal set was detected by airport scanner, the airport officer had to check my bag. It’s a standard procedure, he said. So, just be aware that your bag will be opened and searched if you have glasses in it.

AA seats are pretty comfy. I can’t speak for others, but my bulk-head seat is awesome. :). In fact, I am writing this blog post right now in the plane.

It’s a full flight and there are quite a few babies on board. I prayed that I wouldn’t have the lucky seat next to any of them. My prayer didn’t come true. There’s a baby right next to me. But he is the sweetest. He smiles at me all the time and hasn’t been crying, not even once. I didn’t think such baby exists in the world, but I am looking at one right now. Thank you, God for sending priceless baby love.

The profession of the Indian gentleman sitting next to me is into Las Vegas real estate investing. Oh, real estate, it’s so my cup of tea! I love renovating houses and love talking about it. 🙂

Talking about tea, there’s unlimited supply of masala chai on board.

unlimited supply of masala chai on board

unlimited supply of masala chai on board

I watched two movies back to back after having a cup of chai. It’s better than Red Bull!

I love movies. It’s the best time to catch up on movies during long flights.

This guy needs complete darkness to fall asleep

This guy needs complete darkness to fall asleep

Vegetarian Dinner

Vegetarian Dinner

Almost there

Almost there

Almost there, almost

Almost there, almost

Breakfast : Aloo Matar Puff, fruits, chai

Breakfast : Aloo Matar Puff, fruits, chai



Eight more hours to go. This is insane. My shoulders and neck already started hurting. I forgot my sleepy pills and I had chai. Great!!!!

India Visa

Four days before my trip to India, I realized that I’d need a tourist visa to enter India. As a Malaysian, I didn’t need visa when I traveled to Thailand, Taiwan and Singapore. Even Australia, I just applied tourist visa online. Somehow I assumed that I don’t need visa to enter India as well. WRONG!

Needless to say, I freaked up when I found out about the visa requirements, at 9am Thursday night. The visa requirements are so strict that as if India government doesn’t want anyone to visit India. I only had two business days to obtain the India visa. >*<

I could either apply via mail or in person. Due to the time constraint, I had to apply in person, at the nearest India visa center, which is located in Chicago.

The Consulate General of India outsources the visa application collecting and delivery to Travisa Outsourcing.



America outsources work to India and India Consulate outsources visa application collecting work … weird.

Thank God I was able to make an appointment online with Travisa for Friday at 10am.

It’s about 5.25 hr drive from Fairfield (Iowa) to Chicago. So, between 9pm and 4am, I had to prepare the documents for visa application and handle my dog situation.

Thanks to Radim for printing my passport photos. 🙂

I thought of taking my dog with me, but wasn’t comfortable leaving him in the car since I had no idea how long the appointment’s going to take.

Somehow in my heart I had faith that I’d get the visa approval the same day. So, I didn’t take any extra clothes with me and I left my dog at home. Clara promised that she would go over my house to feed my dog and let him out to pee pee and poop poop.

I was so confident that I would come back the same day that I let Clara left her dog at my place before she left for Wisconsin at 4pm.

Well, long story short. I got to the visa center on time and submitted my visa application.

(Tip: No handbags/shopping bags/phones are allowed in the visa office. If you have no one to take care of your bags during your appointment time, please remember to leave your bags in the car/hotel. I had to run back to the parking garage couple blocks away, 7th floor up to put my handbag.)

10:15 am, I was told to come back at 5:45pm to see if my visa application was approved.

Between 10:45am and 5:45pm, I wasn’t in my best mood, but managed to “enjoy” some food therapy and retail therapy just to kill some time.

So sick of the wait, I went back to the visa office at 5pm to try my luck. “No”, I was told. I must wait since the passports hadn’t been delivered.

While waiting, I heard terrible stories from another India visa applicant that she has applied her visa a month ago and it still hasn’t been approved. Her situation was even worse than mine. She has to fly to India on Monday to attend her only daughter’s wedding.

My name was called first at 6:15pm. The answer was: “Sorry, your passport wasn’t returned.”

OMG! I didn’t expect that answer at all.

I felt crushed!

The officer at the visa office said she would mail the passport to me on Monday (if approved) and I’d would to pick up the passport from Fedex office on Tuesday (the same day my flight to India).

I didn’t want to take any chance. The only way to feel secure is to have my passport in my hands before I left Chicago. So I asked the officer if I could file an emergency case with the Consulate tomorrow (Saturday).

Officer whispered to me: “Yes, you can.”

Not sure why she had to whisper. My guess is that she doesn’t want everyone starts going to the Consulate and filing emergency cases.

So, with a dead and disappointed heart, I left the office. A soft voice in me asked if I could go back and request the officer to double check if she has my passport. I ignored that voice.

The next half hour was the worst time of my life. I had to figure out my dog situation and my overnight accommodation, Consulate office hours, and all that. I didn’t have time to think of “what if I don’t get the visa tomorrow”? I like to stay positive even in the worst situation.

After I’ve made all the arrangements, at 7pm, I received a call from a number that I didn’t recognize.

“Where are you?”

“I am in Chicago.” I replied.

“Come back! We have your passport!”

“Are you serious???” I replied with disbelief.

I think God just played a joke on me. He was testing my faith.

That was one of the best moments in my life. I can only handle so much emotional ups and downs in a day. 🙂

Overjoyed. I drove home the same night, to be with my dog. 🙂

1 sunrise. 2 Red Bulls. 1000x times Rabbit! songs. 10 1/2 -hr drive. 9-hr wait later…. I got my India visa.

Cheers to another “great” adventures of mine. Happy go lucky. 🙂

Although living on the edge makes me feel alive, I will definitely apply for any visas much earlier in the future! 🙂

I am super excited now. India, here I come!

Horror or Love Story

Today, my partners and I acquired the most “interesting” property of my five year house rehab career. This house is in a good neighborhood and has a solid structure. It definitely deserves a second chance.

Drum-roll, please…

Presenting to you: Project Monroe

living room

living room

dining room

dining room









So, what do you think? A horror story or a love story? Pretty puky at this point, huh? 🙂

I am very passionate about infusing new life into old houses.

Making Fairfield beautiful, one house at a time.  Wish us luck! 🙂

Here’s my last project:

Happy Birthday


Happy birthday to me! 🙂

I’ve grown so much last year (well, not taller physically). I got to know myself much better and am more at east with my true Self.

I am definitely at a much better place than 10 years ago and I feel very blessed for that.

not taller, but fuller in heart :)

not taller, but fuller at heart 🙂

birthday flowers

birthday flowers and wishes were special delivered to me 🙂

I had a lovely lunch with the girls + Gabriel. xoxo

I had a lovely lunch with the girls + Gabriel. xoxo

5-Star Oatmeal Cookies by Laura

5-Star Oatmeal Cookies by Laura

For dinner, a girlfriend invited me over to enjoy my one of my favorite noddle dishes and to spend time with her little boys. It was very satisfying.

I am such a home girl! Keeping it real. 🙂

Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes and friendship.

Big hugs and love,