Taqueria Juquilita

I have a new favorite taco place! It’s Taqueria Juquilita in Ottumwa. Thanks to Skye for the recommendation.

This restaurant is small, and the setting is casual. I love their colorful chairs!

Shrimp tacos & roasted jalapeño

Shrimp tacos & roasted jalapeño

My favorite is the shrimp taco. $1.50 for one taco, and I can eat ten of them. The roasted jalapeño goes perfectly with the taco.

Eat, piggy, eat!

Eat, piggy, eat!

Smitten by Roses

I am not a big fan of buying cut flowers. For me, cut flowers are bad investment. Why spend money on cut flowers, when you can get a pot of flowers at the same price, or even cheaper? Potted flowers are lively. Cut flowers are on their way to the dumpster.

But, there’s time that I just can’t resist the magic of roses.

Hyvee is having rose promotion right now, 50 cents for one rose.

There is a sea of roses in a rainbow of colors, smiling at me sweetly.

Their pedals are delicate. Their beauty is unique and fills my heart.

Oh, I am so smitten by them.


Look at her, how can you say no?


Yellow roses primary significance: Friendship, Joy, Get Well

So I had to go and picked up bunches of them, they sure felt heavy in my arms!


Ivory, yellow, ivory with soft peach edge roses to be given away to friends & co-workers. Oh yeah, happiness can multiplied when it's shared.

For myself, I love the pure ivory ones and also the ivory with soft peachy/pinky edges. At first, I just put 30 of them in a vase. Then, I thought why not spreading them throughout the house? So, I divided the roses into three vases.

One is gracing the dining table.

Looking so pretty on my dining table

hmm... my appetite just tripled!

One in the living room.


Looking so pretty on my coffee table

One on the bedside table. I love falling asleep next to them. Their smell is so impossibly to describe. It’s a scent that brings happiness and serenity to the heart.

It was kind of a “splurge” to have spent $ on cut roses. But the joy they give me is beyond money can buy. 🙂 I feel so pampered … by myself.

Go ahead, do one thing today to pamper yourself. You’re worth it.

Soy Milk & Rice Cereal Maker

Introducing to you the latest gadget in my kitchen- soy milk/rice cereal maker!

I bought it from http://english.hsuginseng.com for $90 while it was on sale. What a great deal. 🙂

Rice milk maker

Ricemilk maker

This wonderful little machine can make perfect soy milk, rice milk, and rice cereal.


Mung bean, full bean, five cereals, rice paste

I grew up on soy milk. I have been looking for tasty soy milk here in the U.S., but just couldn’t find one with the perfect taste. So, why not make my own soy milk?


It has built-in blender and heater.

Test Run: Soy Milk

soya beans soaked in water overnight

Soy beans soaked in water overnight


Select Full Bean

It first heats up the beans and water, and then blends them. The cooking time is only 20 minutes from start to finish!

20 minutes later …

Strain the juice (strainer & cup came with the machine)

Strain the juice (strainer & cup came with the machine)

Easy! Breezy!

Homemade organic soy milk - just add some sugar (vanilla - optional)

Homemade organic soy milk - just add some sugar (vanilla - optional)

Red Bean & Wild Rice Cereal
It’s great for breakfast or snack! Yum! and super nutritious.

Red bean & wild rice cereal

Red bean & wild rice cereal

How about almond rice milk? barley milk? sounds good, huh! Try it out.