Cucumber plants in my garden are going wild.

Cucumbers going vertical
The ones in my garden are English cucumbers. They have little seeds and can grow up to two feet long.

English cucumbers - ready to be harvested
I just harvested seven huge ones today!! I can hardly keep up with them.

After harvesting, keep cucumbers cool or it will be soggy. Either keep it refrigerated or keep it away from direct sunlight.
Cucumbers have tons of health benefits (reduce heartburn or sooth acid stomach, reduce heat and inflammation on skin, helps control cases of eczema, rich in minerals, etc).
Let’s see what we can do with cucumbers.
1. Eyes, eyes, baby.
Placing a cucumber slice over the eyes not only soothes them, but also reduces swelling.

ultraman.... hahahaha
2. Thirst quencher

a glass of coolness
Juice the cucumbers, add some lime, mint, ice, sugar. Try it!
3. Salad that goes with everything
These cucumbers are so juicy and crunchy that can be eaten without adding anything. If you want to try something new, add some white vinegar (I use Spectrum white vinegar) and some sugar to the sliced cucumbers. This is a great side dish that goes well with any western/eastern dishes. I love it!
4. …

hmm... err...
Err… use cucumbers to massage your shoulders? Well, you would have to check with Karan on this one. I have no idea what he was trying to do.
If you have more ideas on using cucumbers, let me know. Happy summer!