Fenced up for son of a horse

Kai was a star in a drama episode of Run-away Dog.

missing dog messages on Facebook

missing dog messages on Facebook

Oh yeah, Kai rocked and rolled. As a reward for playing hide and seek, he deserves  something special from his owners.

Christmas in May?

Really? It's not even Christmas yet...

What’s the present? Oh, you curious little son of a horse.

Drum roll, please …

Prince Kai will be getting a “kingdom” of his own … all FENCED up!!!

Yup, DUMBO can run all he wants… in the FENCED YARD.  ***** MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA ******

The budget for the fence is $2000 (materials + labor).  Cough blood! Oh well, fenced yard increases the value of a property, so the cost is justified. 😛

building permit: $25

building permit: $25

side yard (before)

side yard (before)

back yard (before)

back yard (before)

Drill, baby, drill.

setting poles

setting poles

half way

half way

Two days later …
after: back yard

back yard (after)

after: side yard

side yard (after)

What a BEAUTY!

We chose non-privacy fence because we still want to say hi to our neighbors.

I am really thrilled about my new fence. 🙂 That’s a good reason to keep this property for another year or two. 🙂

I never knew that fence actually frames a property and makes the yard look bigger. Yeppi!

So, what do you think, Kai? A birthday party? 🙂

p/s: Kai will be turning 5 years old (35 human years) next week, but will remain a little puppy in my heart.

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First Farmer’s Market, 2010

A trip to farmer’s market makes me happy.

May 1st, we have our first farmer’s market in 2010. 🙂

Fairfield Farmer's Market

Fairfield Farmer's Market

What a lovely morning.

Rolling Prairie Acres Farm

Rolling Prairie Acres Farm

Every year, I buy my tomato plants and herbs (Italian parsley, basil, hot pepper, thyme) from Rolling Prairie Acres Farm. Their organic heirloom tomatoes are off the hook! For those who have tried heirloom tomatoes, you know that the store bought tomatoes are… how should I put it, “not tomatoes”!!!!

Flowers from Amish Family

Flowers from Amish Family

Fairfield is a small town, so its farmer’s market is relatively small. But everyone knows everyone. I love saying hello to my favorite vendors and for sure I’ll see some friends at the farmer’s market.

Christina- Caritas: Seeds

Christina- Caritas: Seeds

How about some snacks? This french lady has served up delicious crepes at farmer’s market for years.

Deciding what to order is not easy... yummy yummy everything

Deciding what to order is not easy... yummy yummy everything

Helping the world through water conservation- RainBarrelsIowa.com

Helping the world through water conservation- RainBarrelsIowa.com

City approved earth machine composter - Ideal Energy

City approved earth machine composter - Ideal Energy

Maypole dance - plole braiding

Maypole dance - plole braiding

Here’s a photo of me and my scores from farmer’s market. And of course, my eyes had to be closed in this only shot…

Me and my scores from farmer's market

Me and my scores from farmer's market


I am learning to listen to my inner voice and to  trust my instinct.

Discover what makes me happy and do more of that.

Keep life simple and manageable.

Peel off layers that made of artificial materials.

Be genuine, be true to myself.

Do what I love, work hard on it and be very focus.

Make every day counts!

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Fish Porridge

Three of my favorite foods: noodles, soups & seafood.

So, it’s no surprise that I love fish porridge (congee) – thick rice soup with fish slices.  I have been craving for it for a while now. Finally, on a chilly rainy day, my wish came true.


Fish porridge, so satisfying on a chilly rainy day. I like my soup steamy hot; burn my mouth kind of hot!!

Ingredients: fish (I used tilapia), seaweed, rice, water, ginger, onions, scallion, fish sauce, salt, white pepper, sesame oil, fried garlic

1 part rice: 8 part water

I didn’t follow a recipe. Most Chinese know how to make fish porridge by heart. The ingredients are totally flexible.

It would help if you have a pressure cooker. 🙂 It cuts the cooking time in half.

Put the fish last because it cooks fast.

SO SATISFYING! I over-ate as usual!