Kai was a star in a drama episode of Run-away Dog.

missing dog messages on Facebook
Oh yeah, Kai rocked and rolled. As a reward for playing hide and seek, he deserves something special from his owners.

Really? It's not even Christmas yet...
Drum roll, please …
Prince Kai will be getting a “kingdom” of his own … all FENCED up!!!
Yup, DUMBO can run all he wants… in the FENCED YARD. ***** MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA ******
The budget for the fence is $2000 (materials + labor). Cough blood! Oh well, fenced yard increases the value of a property, so the cost is justified. 😛

building permit: $25

side yard (before)

back yard (before)
Drill, baby, drill.

setting poles

half way
Two days later …

back yard (after)

side yard (after)
What a BEAUTY!
We chose non-privacy fence because we still want to say hi to our neighbors.
I am really thrilled about my new fence. 🙂 That’s a good reason to keep this property for another year or two. 🙂
I never knew that fence actually frames a property and makes the yard look bigger. Yeppi!
So, what do you think, Kai? A birthday party? 🙂
p/s: Kai will be turning 5 years old (35 human years) next week, but will remain a little puppy in my heart.