Leave the Fall in the Bag

One of the fun things to do in the fall is to play amongst the fallen leaves.

One of the NOT so fun things to do in the fall is to bag those leaves.

I did both today.

Gathering the leaves the old fashion way


Horray to self-timer

After all the fun, I only managed to pack one bag of leaves …. (see the brown paper bag behind me)

Be sure to buy the bags that have “WM” (Waste Management) sign on them. Hyvee carries these bags. Waste Management will not pick up bags that don’t have WM sign (like the ones sold in Walmart).

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Dance to a Lovely Sunday Morning

I put on James Blunt CD and started to dance to the song.

There was no particular choreography, I just moved depends on how I felt. Movements that made me feel pretty and soft. Movements that made me feel silly. Movements that made me feel alive.

I danced in the living room and I danced around the dining table.

Kai was dancing (chasing) behind me. He thought momma has gone wild.

What a perfect Sunday morning.

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Chicken Rice

I was hungry for chicken rice; Singapore Chicken Rice, to be more specific.

I have never cooked chicken rice before. There was no need. It’s a very popular dish in Malaysia, so it’s available everywhere.

Now that I am abroad, it’s hard to find authentic chicken rice that has the flavor of homeland.

Thoughts become things.

The more I thought about this dish, the more I wanted to make it a reality. A Malaysian friend told me that she actually made this dish before and it’s totally do-able!

That was a huge encouragement. So, I looked up the recipe online and went for it.


I had all the ingredients and followed the recipe exact (well, by exact I meant I eyeballed the measurements). It’s not like baking a cake, so nothing has to be that exact. 🙂

I added sesame oil to the chicken after it was cooked and cut. Sesame oil has a unique fragrance and taste that I like.

I also stir-fried bean sprout chinese style to go with the chicken.

I must tell you that the result was surprisingly good, considering that was the first chicken rice from my kitchen!

If you want to improve your cooking skill, just live abroad for a few years. 🙂

The best part was sharing the dish with my Malaysian friends. What a happy day.


Since I had so much fun at last week’s antique auction, I went for a different kind of auction today – a house auction.

The weather was miserable; cold, rainy, windy… but my heart was pumping!

010An auction is not a joke; it’s a contract. The winner is required to put 20% down the day of auction and pay the balance within a month. The house will be sold in as-is condition.

I wasn’t afraid (okay, I was feeling nervous silently). I was prepared. I’ve done my homework.

Before the auction, I hired an inspector to inspect the house and checked out the neighborhood. I observed the bidding process and studied buyers’ bidding behavior at previous auctions.

I have a budget in mind.  Well, I was bidding on behalf of a company, so I was given a specific budget to work with.

There were quite a few people showed up (some investors, some private buyers, some curious people) at the auction. It was hard to tell who was serious and who wasn’t. I walked around the house and didn’t ‘overhear’ any useful information. 🙁

You should never let other people know about your budget, especially the auctioneer. Auctioneer works for the seller. He wants the bid to go as high as possible because he will receive a commission based on the sale price. You lose if you show your number first.

The bidding began.  My heart was racing at high speed, but I couldn’t show. I had to be patient.

I paced myself on my bidding and became aggressive when I needed.

Long story short, I won the bid, on budget. Sold!!!! Oh man, I had such an adrenalin rush.

So proud of myself and I gave myself a big pat on my back. :kehappy:

Despite of the ‘better stay home’ weather, some friends showed up to give me some support.  Thank You, Thank You!!!

Another day, another crazy OuOu story. Now, off to the next project.

Remember, Thoughts Become Things.

Good night.

Into the Minefield

It was a lovely day.

I had an important mission.

You see, my dog, Kai does his business at the backyard on the daily basis. I haven’t been cleaning the yard for two weeks now. Hmm… let me take out my calculator. 14 x1 = 14 piles of poopie!

Well, what’s the point of cleaning the feces up. The rain is going to rain on them. Then, they are going to turn into manure. How nourishing to the mother earth!

The problem is Kai is afraid to step onto his own poopie, so he keeps picking a new spot to do his business.  :ohidiotsmile:

So, did I just say it’s a lovely day today?

I braved myself up and stepped into the minefield. I fought for the freedom of a poop-free lawn.

I didn’t pick up as much feces as I thought. I am guessing some have disguised themselves as the brown leaves??

I play play while my mommy picks up my poopie.

Yawn! I have a good life.

Alert! Another dog is passing by.

Pup, I hope you are happy and content. You’re so cute! XOXOXO