One of the fun things to do in the fall is to play amongst the fallen leaves.
One of the NOT so fun things to do in the fall is to bag those leaves.
I did both today.
Gathering the leaves the old fashion way
Horray to self-timer
After all the fun, I only managed to pack one bag of leaves …. (see the brown paper bag behind me)
Be sure to buy the bags that have “WM” (Waste Management) sign on them. Hyvee carries these bags. Waste Management will not pick up bags that don’t have WM sign (like the ones sold in Walmart).
Once I experienced the beauty of picking veggies from my own garden, there was no turning back.
We installed another veggie bed this year in our garden. It’s our third baby.
There’s no need to till the earth, just cover it with paper or cardboard.
Thanks to Skye for building us a veggie bed using recycled wood.
Thanks to Mahesh and Paul for transporting the veggie bed. 4/18
4/25 This veggie bed is located at a cooler spot. So, I planted some lettuce and peas.
On the day this veggie bed was born, Karan’s grandpa passed away. So, I thought it was poetic to dedicate this veggie bed to him.
5/12 Came back from Hawaii trip and what a surprise to find some green babies emerged from the earth already.
5/12 Cover the soil with grass clipping (it’s free!) to prevent weed from growing. I certainly don’t want to spend my whole summer weeding!
6/16 Ready to be harvested!
Total travel distance to dinner table= less than 25 feet
Total time from harvest to plate= less than 10 minutes
With no chemical fertilizers and no wasted fuel for transporting the veggies!!
Can food get fresher than that? I truly felt that the veggies were still breathing when I ate them.
Here are some short videos of my veggie garden. I don’t know how to edit videos yet. So, I took several one minute short footage. If anyone knows any easy to use and free video editing software, please let me know. Thanks!
These videos are in Mandarin. I recorded some with little bit of Taiwanese accent (I don’t know why I tend to carry Taiwanese accent when I recorded these videos). I actually don’t have much chance to speak Mandarin here, so I might sound a little funny. hahaha. 🙁 I did record a couple videos with Malaysian accent! It was fun, fun, fun! Enjoy.