Pepper Potts

I am hired by Hedquist Productions to do a mandarin voice-over for Marvel online comic book, Iron Man! My role is Pepper Potts, Iron Man’s assistant. Although I only have six lines in this short comic animation, I feel so honored that I’ve been chosen out of so many talents from all over the country. The main characters were professionals from L.A. and NY!! 🙂


We just had the official recording couple hours ago. Oh, it was so nice to talk in Mandarin. I love my mother tongue language.


Recording at  Hedquist Productions

Recording at Hedquist Productions, in my Sunday sweater and sweatpants. hahaha. Comfort comes 1st

Morning Jog

Lovely Sunday.

My legs and feet are feeling sore from half hour jogging yesterday.  I don’t know what got to me, I get up at 8am and went for a jog.

What’s the best time to work out?

Based on The Body Sculpting Bible For Women, Page 49:

“We recommend you work out in the morning as soon as you wake up. Drink 16 ounces of cold water before you start the workout and an additional 30 – 60 ounces during the activity…. We recommend working out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach because you will burn 300% more body fat this way. In the morning you body doesn’t have any carbohydrates to burn. In the absence of carbohydrates, your body goes straight to the fat stores in order to get the energy necessary to do the work. Another good reason to work out in the morning is that at this time growth hormone levels are at their highest levels. Working otu in the morning will allow you to expedite the fat  loss process for dramatic results.”

I haven’t been exercising at all, the whole winter! After jogging for a while, I almost felt like throwing up.  How pathetic was that? I wasn’t shocked though. I know how unfit I am.

However, I was proud of myself. I did what I could. It was refreshing to enjoy the spring flowers while jogging/walking. 🙂

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Sort it out

I am now slowly transitioning out from my juice fast. This is the third day coming out, and my appetite is still pretty small, which I love. Today, I had a few figs, a piece of nut bread, a glass of fresh apple juice, goji berry tea (real berries) with oat bran, a very small salad and a glass of soy milk.

I truly treasure this moment because:

– I am not overeating.

– My body craves for fresh, non-processed food.

– My mind is clear.

– My clothes are loose!

It’s almost strange how little food our bodies need to perform at optimum level. Imagine all the excess food we eat that requires our bodies to keep working all the time.

I know soon enough I’ll be indulging in all kind of food. But right now, I am loving my healthy diet, however long it would last.

Now that my body has been cleansed. I decided to sort out all my junk too. I spent the whole weekend organizing my closet, shoes, documents, etc. I was really annoyed by how much STUFF I have. I came to USA nine years ago with just two suitcases, and survived just fine.

Spring cleaning is definitely a reality check. I gotta think twice before I buy anything in the future.

I sorted my clothes into a few piles:
– Donation
– Consignment
– Project/costumes/need alteration
– For my sisters
– Ebay

Phew… I was determined to downsize!

At the end of the day, I felt great to put my life in better order. Cheers to spring.

Juice Fast: 19th Day

19th day of my juice fast. I feel like I can go on forever.

I’ve lost 12 lbs so far. The jeans are becoming loose on me and my tummy is flat. What an orgasmic feeling.

Freshly squeezed apple + grape juice is heavenly!!! It’s one thing that I look forward to every day.

I’ll come out of my fast next week and will miss this fast so much. I am treasuring every moment of this detox. 🙂

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Voice-over Audition

Jay from Hedquist Productions called me and invited me for a voice-over audition in Mandarin. This project is for a “motion comic” style animation- Iron Man, in Mandarin.

I was invited to audition for Pepper Potts’s role which only has a few lines of script in this short animation.

I told Jay, “Sure, sure.”

Friends might see me as a confident, friendly and outgoing person. Well…. I am actually very shy!

I can dance, but I can’t act. I’ve pretty much decided to chicken-out.

Then, Jay called the second time… 🙁 That’s when I told myself a promise is a promise. I got nothing to lose, might just as well go have fun and gain some new experiences.

It was my first time being in a recording studio. I had the headset on and I could listen to my own voice. It was so cool!!! Jeffery directed the voice-over and he made me feel comfortable to play my role.

I am glad that I did it and am proud to say that “I tried something new today.” 🙂