
Finally! I have migrated my blog over to a new web hosting company that provides faster service.

No more trying to find things to do when waiting for the page to load after each click. :ohidiotsmile:

I just ~~ love it ~~ love it!!

Time to do a happy dance! :rtdance3:

Beat it

The border around the smilies had been bothering me for a while now.

I finally took some time to fix the css. Oh yeah!

I also imported three sets of emoticons.

Kawaii Egg :keshy:

Onion Head :ohidiotsmile:

Rabbit Tzuki :rtdance3:

Better yet, I configured the templates so that these emoticons are auto-converted in the posts. Sweet!

Don’t you love emoticons? They express so much more than words can.

Never Ending Home Projects


Back from vacation and back to work.

I already missed a couple bonfire gatherings :rtcry: , but I gotta do what I had to do — the never ending projects.

Don’t be fooled by the smile. It’s hard work!

One down, hundreds to go

Ahhh… the “beauty” of summer. :rthitheadwall:


A friend recommended this song to me. To all my friends who know mandarin, you can find this song at baidu.com.

The lyrics are poetic and beautiful.


~ OuOu ~

我们的翡冷翠 ——周传雄
(Our Firenze)

暗夜, 飞机已经起飞
我以为, 可以简单分别
弹木吉他, 抒情一些

也许, 我们有些疲惫
让浪漫, 化为关心体贴
若有机会, 我想后悔

化为黑炭之前, 爱是炙热的火堆


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Home Sweet Home


Saturday night, we departed from Honolulu Airport and reached Fairfield fifteen sleepy hours later.

Home sweet home. There’s no place like home.

It’s spring time here. Everywhere is much greener than two weeks ago.

Although it’s still a little chilly at 10-20C, I am going to enjoy every bit of everything I could get out of spring. Spring has cast a magic spell on me. How can anyone not appreciate spring? It only happens once per year!

It’s so wonderful to be home. Hmm… the smell of home. A place where my dog wags his tail waiting eagerly for my arrival. A place where I don’t have to think much, just … relax. A place that brings — Ultimate Comfort.

Even though Hawaii trip was super fun, the constant seeing places and moving; the change of diet and rest schedule; have taken a toll on my body without me realizing it.

As soon as I reached home, I could feel that my body started to release the stress that was built up from my trip. The magic of home!!

As a first generation immigrant, I often feel confused about where my home is since I don’t have any family and relatives in the States. A very wise man once told me “home is where your heart is”. My heart is now back to Fairfield.

Fairfield has a serene quality to it and it holds a special place in my heart. I know this place inside out and have made great friends here.

I am also glad that I have an international group of friends whom we always celebrate holidays and create more memories together.

Every year I wish to move away from Fairfield to a warmer place especially when winter comes. It has been eight years and I am still here. I am not sure how long I would be here, but one thing I know for sure is I will cherish Fairfield forever. 🙂

It’s time to go back to my daily routine. And, I can’t wait to tend to my garden. 🙂

I will also be organizing and posting more photos from my trip in the next few days.

Every day is an adventure. But right now, I just need to take a good rest.

Good night.

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