My Random 25

(From Facebook- Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.)

1. Strange that I am sitting down and writing these 25 random things, ‘cos I thought I would never do this. Really!!!

2. When I was small, I was very afraid of dogs. I even dreamed of dogs biting me. Funny now I absolutely love my precious Kai. My family still calls me ouou (sounds like dog’s bark) – a nick name that I get since I was small. You could tell that I have a mean family.

3. I hope one day my parents (and brother, and sisters) could come here and live with me.

4. My mom pulled her hair out raising me. I didn’t do my homework, I cursed, etc. A note from my elementary school report card (which I kept till now) said I had horrible handwriting. LOL

5. I wonder why I was born as a female.

6. I have blue belt brown tip in Tak Kwan Do (high school). My mom strongly opposed to furthering my training. She felt that I was becoming too tomboy. LOL. No regrets for not getting black belt. I had fun.

7. When I was 14, I had the same hairstyle as Demi Moore’s in Ghost, the Movie.

8. My sisters are my best friends. I miss hanging out together. No matter how long we haven’t met each other, the bond will always be there. I love them (and my brother) tremendously.

9. Since i was small, I have dreamed to build a lovely family – a husband, three kids and two dogs. So far, only part of it has come through – i have one dog now.

10. I love books. I collect books.

11. I don’t like to read English books. No English books and English songs could affect me like Mandarin books and songs. I will never like English more than Mandarin. Never.

12. People see me as feminine and well put together – in fact, I am a tomboy and I love t-shirt and sweatpants. Oh yeah!

13. I don’t like to wear jewelry – well, I accessorize when I go out, but honestly, I don’t like to wear any jewelry, including watches.

14. I don’t like high heels. I love flip-flops.

15. I have a weakness in noodles – especially kangpua noodle. You could give me the fanciest menu in the world, and I would still order kangpua noodle. Oh well, that’s if shark’s fin soup is not on the menu.

16. I had my first kiss when I was 18, that followed by a relationship that last nine years long.

17. When I was 19, I won first prize in essay writing competition organized by a major newspaper. I still don’t understand why I won since the competition was fierce. I must be really good. 🙂

18. I often spend too much time imagining scenarios that would never happen.

19. Although I love my friends and could be a social butterfly, I feel like an outsider in most social gatherings. In fact, I am not a very social person. I don’t feel comfortable in any party. Spending time with flowers and trees in the nature makes me feel more at home.

20. I have acrophobia.

21. I like to travel the local style – use public transportation, eat at random cafes, walk without specific plans, etc.

22. I can’t stand men with no body hair.

23. I like to shop alone.

24. I am very good at investigation. I should be a detective.

25. I was a Sunday School teacher at a local church.

26. I lived in Taiwan for two years.

27. I don’t like rules, so I am not going to stop writing at #25.

28. Living in this foreign land, I often feel an ocean of loneliness sweeping through me.

29. I plan to settle down in two years.

30. I love old wooden furniture and old wooden doors.

one faith, one heart, one love

let lovers be dignified, satisfied, unified
not twisted, not compromised
one faith, one heart, one love

all fears in love,
all distorted illusions

though those who sway in wind
aren’t in love

i bathe in fire
i burn like phoenix
i fly with love in my feathers

the sparkle in his eyes,
my guiding light

the energy in his heart,
my resting place

we glow with truth and innocence
we glow with hope and promise

let lovers be dignified, satisfied, unified
not twisted, not compromised
one faith, one heart, one love

by Ting

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