Piano Seeking a Good Home

I have a free piano seeking a good home. Does anyone know any schools that would like a used piano with awesome sound?

Or, if you love music and would like this piano, please comment below with your contact information.

P/S: This piano babe is heavy! You’ll need to bring four strong men to take her home. 🙂

In the Moment

Being “in the moment” means understanding that there is but one focus – and that focus is on RIGHT NOW *.

I constantly have hundreds of thoughts zooming in and out of my mind at the speed of one mile/sec. The thoughts of the past, the future and even some imagining scenes and conversations that haven’t necessarily happened. Sounds crazy? Are you the same? 🙂

We all multi-task throughout the day. When I cook, I often have four things going on the stove at the same time. When I am cutting tomatoes, I would plan in my head for the next thing I should be doing. The problem with this is I could lose focus of what’s happening right now. I forget to appreciate how bright and red the tomatoes are, and how juicy they are. It’s always, “what I should do next.”  What a shame to let “now” passes by just like that, every second, without recognizing it.

No matter how busy we are, it’s important for us to try to detach from the “realities” of our upcoming day and to just focus on NOW.

Try this, when taking a shower, for a few minutes at least, try not to worry about what to wear later and the breakfast, etc.  Just feel the water coming down from above, running through your hair, and flowing down to your body. Just feel it and live it for yourself, not for anyone else. The moment is all yours to enjoy.

Surrender to the moment, not wishing it to be different or to be experiencing anything other than what is happening in the moment.

Being yourself is effortless.

* (Reference: Matthew Roda – 30 Days Meditation: 4 Realizations)

Meet My New Bus Mate

Since I can only bring one guest with me on my Delivering Happiness bus tour, I gotta choose wisely. Two of my friends can’t make it to the trip. Instead of just asking any friend (nothing personal!), I really want to share this special trip with someone who is as passionate about Delivering Happiness as I am.  Guess where I have to look for this person?

I read all the entries of Win A Seat on Delivering Happiness Bus and they were all great. I wish I could take all of the DH fans with me, on the bus, and spread the happiness together.  Wouldn’t that be super awesome?

Now, what’s the criteria for my bus mate? I was looking for someone who shares the same/similar core values as me and it has to be a “she” since we’ll be sharing a room.

I am quirky and fun, little weird, easy going, down to earth and yet fashionable, passionate about building business, etc.

Christy Annis

Christy Annis

Christy Annis’s entry  stood out among the rest.  I followed her on Twitter/Facebook for couple days. 🙂  I love her entrepreneurial spirit and she seems so polite, graceful and creative (+ all other awesome qualities).

So, I sent her an invitation to join me on the Bus.

As far as I know, she has been doing backflips non-stop since she received the news.

Christy Annis (Peas for Prosperity)

Christy Annis (Peas for Prosperity)'s Facebook post

I think we’ll rock the Bus and have so much fun together.

Christy, I can’t wait to meet you and have our adventure!! 🙂 Girl power!