A Wiser Laura

Happy Birthday to Laura! We love you!

Happy Birthday, Laura

Happy Birthday, Laura

Home-baked organic pineapple upside down cake for our special birthday girl, Laura! ๐Ÿ™‚

Singing Happy Birthday (except Christine) to Laura Girl

Singing Happy Birthday (except Christine, of coz) to Laura Girl

The Happy Bunch

The Happy Bunch. From left: Me, Gabriel, Debra, Laura, Christine, Nina

May all your wishes come true, Laura. XOXOXO

OMG! I Won!

September 3rd, 2010

I have been checking my Blackberry every hour for a winning notification email from Delivering Happiness Book team. No news.

Seriously, there are tons of amazing entries for “Win a Spot on The Bus” contest (see http://deliveringhappiness.ning.com/), do I stand a chance? You know, I would be genuinely happy for whoever won this contest. Of course, I would be happier if I won. ๐Ÿ™‚

I came home from work at around 4pm, and I thought I would check my Blackberry one last time. I wasn’t really expecting anything, but I saw this:

Winner notification from Alana

Winner notification from Alana

OMG. I do know who Alana is. She is one of DHBus’s team members. My heart went “BA BUMP“! Should I pinch myself or my dog to make sure I’m not hallucinating?

If I was sitting on a chair, I would have fallen down to the floor, for sure!

I shouted out, “OMG! OMG!

I’m definitely not OMG kind of girl. But there wasn’t any word that I could think of except OMG!

Then, I shouted OMG 100 times more while running around the dining table with cell phone still in my hand.

If that wasn’t enough, I went out to my backyard and shouted another 1000 times.

My dogs thought I was a mad woman, but I didn’t care. Haha. I was happy to share one of my happiest moments with them.

Now, what exactly did I win? See below.
Prize: One (1) prize will be awarded, consisting of the following: A three (3) day, two (2) night trip for two (2) (winner and one (1) guest) to join the Delivering Happiness, LLC Bus team members on tour in one of the following cities of winnerโ€™s choice: Los Angeles, CA; Orlando, FL; or New York, NY. Prize includes round-trip, coach class air transportation for winner and guest from the major airport nearest winnerโ€™s home (as determined by Sponsor) to the city chosen by winner, and three (3) days, two (2) nights accommodations (one room, double occupancy) at a hotel of Sponsorโ€™s choice. The dates of travel will differ based on the chosen destination.

The biggest prize is not the free air tickets and free accommodation. Anyone can buy a ticket to L.A., but not everyone has the opportunity to tour L.A. on the Happy Bus with all the wonderful DHBus team members! We’ll meet entrepreneurs, visit great organizations, and help delivering some happiness along the way!

To read more about Delivering Happiness book, written by Tony Hsieh (CEO, Zappos), go to http://www.deliveringhappinessbook.com/.

“In DELIVERING HAPPINESS, Tony reveals the secret to his success at such a young age: leadership in culture and happiness.โ€
โ€”Lance Armstrong

Delivering Happiness Book team is going on a 20+ city bus tour (they are in Chicago today, should be heading out to New York soon). Here are their city stops: http://www.deliveringhappinessbus.com/stops, and I just won a spot on the bus!!

Note: This post was written on 9/3. DHBus is now in Providence, RI.

Happy Bus

Happy Bus

If you see this baby blue bus winking at ya somewhere, be sure to blow it some whistles and fly it some kisses.

Later that day, I went to take some photos to send to DHBook team. Of course, living in the “SillyCorn Valley” of the Midwest (Fairfield, Iowa), I couldn’t help myself but took the photos in a corn field just two minutes away from my house. Haha. I love the big blue sky and the no man’s land feel. ๐Ÿ™‚ I was so excited that I forgot to take the book with me the first time, so I had to go back and get it!

My precious Happy Book

My precious Happy Book

A dose of happiness for you

A dose of happiness for you

Me & Da Happy Book

Me & Da Happy Book



What's the secret to happiness? You gotta read this book!

What's the secret to happiness? You gotta read this book!

One with nature. Being with nature makes me happy.

One with nature. Being with nature makes me happy.

Me doing WOW

Me doing WOW

Big sky & corn fields

Big sky & corn fields

Now what? I need to pick a city to join the bus tour. I’ve never been to L.A., so L.A. it is! Also I need to come up with my Happy Bus bucket list. That’ll be my homework for the next two months. ๐Ÿ™‚

I would like to thank the whole DHBook team for this amazing opportunity. I feel so honored to be selected. See you guys soon, on the bus!!!

See me on Delivering Happiness Bus website @ http://www.deliveringhappinessbus.com/contest.

Happy Bus & Me

I am so happy, happy, happy, happy, happy!

If you have any questions that you want me to ask the Happy Bus team during my trip, let me know by posting a comment here or twitter me @ououborneo.

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Siblings are Forever

“How many kids do you plan to have?”

I get asked this question a lot by my friends.

My answer? “At least two. Three would be ideal.”


I am not sure why I always get that kind of reaction when I mention the number of kids I plan to have.

Are two kids too many?

I know it’s hard to even raise a dog. ๐Ÿ™‚ To have two kids, I probably need to grow two more arms and five more legs to keep up with them.

But you know what? I am not going to live forever. I wouldn’t want my child to be alone after I am gone. If I have two kids, then at least they can keep each other companied and support each other through tough times. They have the same blood!

Siblings are forever. I have four siblings and they are my best friends. We can always count on each other. No matter how long I haven’t seen them, when I meet them, it’s like we’ve never left each other. That’s a bond that cannot be broken.

We share clothes, shoes and have no problem sharing a bed.

When anyone of them is in trouble, my heart will feel like as if it has been pierced through. It hurts so bad.

When I am with them, I am 100% myself. I can fart, bark, burp all I want. I can be so silly in front of my loved ones, and I call that happiness.

I thank my parents for giving me three wonderful sisters and a brother. My siblings are the best gifts my parents have given me. God blesses them!

It’s 9/9 and I declare today Happy Sibling Day. If you have a sibling, please give him / her a big hug! ‘cos you are so lucky to have each other. XOXOXO

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