I’ve been wanting to get a tattoo forever. I want the Chinese words “现在“ (means now) to be tattooed on my right wrist.
Stopped by at a tattoo parlor in Vegas early this year and the tattoo artist told me that the words “现在“ are too complicated for such a small area on my wrist. 🙁 BUMMER!
My dream came alive when I saw a photo on Delivering Happiness Facebook page – Tony Hsieh gave Sebastian Rusk a Sharpie Tattoo. Brilliant! How come I never thought of it? 🙂
I was so inspired that I Sharpie tattooed myself today.
This tattoo might seems silly to some people, but hey, tattoo is art, and art is subjective. “NOW” has made me smile all day long. 🙂
Thanks to Tony for the inspiration.