Introducing to you the latest gadget in my kitchen- soy milk/rice cereal maker!
I bought it from for $90 while it was on sale. What a great deal. 🙂

Ricemilk maker
This wonderful little machine can make perfect soy milk, rice milk, and rice cereal.

Mung bean, full bean, five cereals, rice paste
I grew up on soy milk. I have been looking for tasty soy milk here in the U.S., but just couldn’t find one with the perfect taste. So, why not make my own soy milk?

It has built-in blender and heater.
Test Run: Soy Milk

Soy beans soaked in water overnight

Select Full Bean
It first heats up the beans and water, and then blends them. The cooking time is only 20 minutes from start to finish!
20 minutes later …

Strain the juice (strainer & cup came with the machine)
Easy! Breezy!

Homemade organic soy milk - just add some sugar (vanilla - optional)
Red Bean & Wild Rice Cereal
It’s great for breakfast or snack! Yum! and super nutritious.

Red bean & wild rice cereal
How about almond rice milk? barley milk? sounds good, huh! Try it out.